We have all heard of Farm to Table events. They grew to be quite popular before the Pandemic. The concept is to cook and serve only fresh ingredients directly from a farm or the farm where the event might be taking place. There are a lot of variations on the theme. I attended one once where every part of the animal was utilized. Recycling and Reuse is always a big part of my event planning. It is common to use compostable plates or sustainable bamboo instead of plastic or paper. In the spirit of Sustainability, I have been interested in reducing food waste. You may recall from previous newsletters that I have a staff member that participates in Food Rescue US which rescues and donates unused food from restaurants, grocery stores, and events. As a result of the Pandemic, we are all a bit more aware of our food vulnerability. Recently, I have been investigating the idea of donating back to the farm; Farm to Table to Farm. Food scraps can be utilized by many farm animals or even used as compost. I reached out to the Stamford Museum and Nature Center and learned that their pigs are particular, “We can take food scraps for the pigs but no meat products and certain foods like pepper, mushrooms and onion they won’t eat. I would love to talk further about food rescue!” Good to know!
The farms have been a great resource lately as I was in need of some Hay for some fall events. All the farms recommended the same location to source the Bales. After the event, the client did not have a need for the hay and wanted to donate it back to a farm. I reached out to some stables and farms, and learned that it is imperative that the hay does not get wet as the mold that can grow can be very toxic to animals. As the remnants of Hurricane Delta were fast approaching, I knew there was no time to spare. I was able to connect with Chris Evers from Animal Embassy. I have known Chris for a long time- we met when he was working with SoundWaters many moons ago. When he replied that he was going to be able to pick up and accept the donation, he stated that, “Between Animal Embassy and the Wolf Conservation Center we can put it to use.” I love when things come full circle. Not only have I done events with SoundWaters and Animal Embassy, and Stamford Museum and Nature Center, but also the Wolf Conservation Center. So the barn door to Farm to Table to Farm opportunities is now open! It is so exciting to have connected all the animal/environmental groups and education organizations that I have worked with and supported in the past. I am sure that this movement will continue to grow.

“Thank you for the walk down memory lane and about 15 bales of hay.”
– Chris Evers, Animal Embassy
As you plan your celebrations and purchase your décor, keep the farms in mind. I would be happy to work with you and come up with sustainable solutions that are a win-win for you and your guests and the environment, too! Stay well everyone. I look forward to working with you soon!